Woz Inc.
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Kaosta (顔スタ) 写真加工
Kaosta (顔スタ) 写真加工-
Kaosta (顔スタ) は、写真に顔スタンプを貼るアプリです。<br><br>【こんな人におすすめ!】<br>・顔スタンプで写真の雰囲気を変えたい<br>・顔スタンプを貼ってプライバシーを保護したい<br>・顔スタンプを貼るのが面倒<br><br>【こんな時におすすめ!】<br>・投稿したいけど顔は隠したい<br>・集合写真でみんなにスタンプを貼りたい<br>・自撮りに関係の無い人が映りこんでしまった<br>・顔出しNGの人がいる<br>・自分が顔出しNG<br>・顔の隠し方を統一したい<br><br>【主な機能】<br>・写真をフォトライブラリから読み込む<br>・映っている全員の顔に自動
Toolnote - plain text editor
Toolnote - plain text editor-
Toolnote is a simple notepad.<br>We are aiming for an app that allows you to write notes more smoothly.<br><br>**Recommended for users**<br><br>- I need to focus on writing.<br>- I'm looking for a simple to use notepad.<br>- I want to check the number of characters and lines while writing.<br>- I wa
Play Widget - Widgetty
Play Widget - Widgetty-
Play Widget (Widgetty) is a widget app that allows you to create URL shortcut widget with your own image for iOS 14 devices or later.<br>When you create a widget with Play Widget (Widgetty), you can place a URL shortcut on the home screen with a size of Small, Medium, Large that is larger than the s
QuickLayout for Stories & IGTV
QuickLayout for Stories & IGTV-
QuickLayout is a video &amp; photo maker specialized in Instagram Stories and IGTV. You can fit your video or photo into a suitable shape. Also you can automatically split a long video into videos for those services, change the background colors, and add frame decoration.<br><br>Use QuickLayout to:<
Status Icon Editor for CH
Status Icon Editor for CH-
Status Icon Editor is an app that allows you to create icon images for Clubhouse.<br>By editing your own image with this app, you can create an image with the preset "status" added.<br>By properly using images with multiple statuses, you can express your own situation on the SNS icon.<br><br>**For w